Yes I know no one reads this :(... But still OMJ May or may not come out... i am just sooooooo lazy and tired i have a great idea for it but animating just takes too long out of my day and not to mention a horrible artist so sry to say to those that actually liked this (maybe 2 out of 1000000) that there won't be another OMJ episode.
111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111
100000000010000000001011011100000010000000100111 011000001001
111111011110111111101010111101111111110111101011 010111111001
111111011110111111101001011100001111110111101101 010110001001
110111011110111111101011101101111111110111101110 010111101111
111000011110000000001011110100000010000000101111 011000001001
111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111